Identifying Cost Effective Solutions through Innovation


Enviromental And Safety Consultants

Inhalation Issues
Enviromental Assessments
Health & Safety

Recent Projects

AGS-LLC offers its extensive environmental and regulatory expertise to a wide range of clients.  In the last 5 years alone our personnel have provided specialized services at dozens of small and large scale residential, commercial, industrial and governmental properties.  The following outline a few examples of projects we have recently completed.

Groundwater Remediation of a VOC Impacted Site - Jacksonville, FL


AGS-LLC personnel designed and implemented an Interim Removal Action (IRA) to address the source removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) impacting the soil and groundwater at a former industrial photographic development facility.  The VOC-impacted soil resided within a former sump cavity and was identified by regulatory agencies as the primary/secondary source of contamination to the adjacent soil and groundwater.  After completion of the IRA activities, a Further Assessment was implemented to delineate the extent of the VOC groundwater plume across the site via installing a limited number of expensive monitoring wells for groundwater sampling/analysis.  With a limited remaining budget, 24 small diameter piezometers were installed across the subject property that identified the source of the VOC contaminated groundwater on most of the subject property was actually from an adjacent property, not the sump area.  As such, remediation of the groundwater was not the responsibility of our client and the VOCs around the former sump area were resolved as they decreased to de minimis levels through natural attenuation.

Remediation at a PCE/TEC Impacted Site - Findley, OH

AGS-LLC personnel installed a phytoremediation system at a heavily contaminated plating facility. Based on data collected during the first year of implementation, TCE levels decreased in the treatment area by an order of magnitude via the phytoremedial system.  Since the installation of the treatment system, 19 piezometers and 3 monitoring wells were also installed at the site to supplement an existing monitoring system installed by a regulatory agency.  Ongoing research is being conducted on-site by AGS-LLC to further support this pro bono remedial action.  These research activities have included; i) development of an in-situ groundwater monitoring system capable of measuring water level fluctuations at +/-0.001 ft to define small scale temporal groundwater changes across the property, ii) development methodologies to evaluate site-specific water usage of the various plant species, and iii) evaluate the synergic effects of different dechlorination agents coupled with variations in the installation of the phytoremedial systems.

Remediation of a Large Impacted Shooting Range - Vandalia, OH

AGS-LLC personnel conducted numerous bench scale and field studies as part of the health and safety activities during the remediation and closure of a 100+ acre shooting range.  Contaminants of concern included elevated lead, arsenic and PAHs that were present in the fine grained soils that became airborne during the treatment activities.  In some cases these contaminants exceed TCLP requirements and were a potential hazardous material.  Three OSHA determination reports were developed for inhalation risks via changing the type of equipment used to remediate the site and by requiring the air conditioning systems recycle the air inside the equipment cabs.  Environmental Plans associated with the remediation activities were also developed and periodic health and safety quality assurance/quality control audits were performed to document the work practices.  Additional project activities included numerous field scale tests, petrographic analyses and other studies to support lead shot removal actions from a large wetland area.  These additional studies included quantifying the in-situ weathering impacts of lead shot under acidic wetland/stream conditions, conducting XRF screening of metals in the clay-rich soils to verify regulatory requirements were not being exceeded and by implementing long-term monitoring activities of the soil and site vegetative after the removal actions were complete.

Inhalation Assessments and Remediation - Dayton, OH

AGS-LLC personnel conducted mold, mildew and air assessments at a large renovated records storage area. Based on the results of these studies and review of the construction materials, AGS-LLC personnel were able to resolve which of the potential contaminates were responsible for the hospitalization of several workers.  The assessment activities indicated formaldehyde vapors, exceeding OSHA levels, were present within 100 fire safes due to the interaction of atmospheric water vapor on a new type of paint used in the fire safe construction.  After a review of potential and expensive treatment methods, the final solution selected was common baking soda acquired from grocery stores.  This solution was tested and proven to mitigate the vapors within each fire safe within a few hours.  This solution also resolved an unknown problem for the manufacturer of the safes and allowed them to continue to produce this product with only minor modifications.


Recent Projects


Groundwater Remediation of a VOC Impacted Site

Remediation at a PCE/TEC Impacted Site

Remediation of a Large Impacted Shooting Range

Inhalation Assessments and Remediation



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